12 Car Rally – 23rd February
Date: Wednesday 23rd February
Venue: Gowans Shop, Castle Douglas
Results: pdf link >here<
Points: updated after Rd 1 >here<
4 Entries (2 Expert and 2 Semi-Expert). The Captain and Keith Riddick picked up where they left 2021, winning the Expert section (28 penalties) ahead of Rab Henderson & Peter Game who had bravely(?) stepped up from Semi-Expert for the first time. (Honestly boys, it gets easier…!)
12 Car success continues for the Dickson/Alcorn pairing, this time in the combination of Nancy & Greg, finishing on 22 penalties and first Semi-Expert, ahead of first-time pairing Rebekah Russell & Mairi Riddick (31 penalties).
Thank you to Michael & Isobel Riddick for organising, the Gowans Family for the start venue, and everyone who came out on the night to marshal. Extra thanks to David White for rescuing Izzy who suffered a puncture on the way to her second control.